How to set up an Affordable COVID Care facility in your society

The Covid Relief Centre is a facility that can isolate and monitor COVID patients with mild or no symptoms. The idea is to relieve the pressure on the medical system, as the city’s daily COVID count rises to thousands.

After triage, the Covid Apartment Nursing Center can admit COVID positive residents (preliminarily assessed by a doctor to understand the severity of the disease) and conduct regular monitoring. However, certain categories of patients (such as pregnant women, patients with underlying diseases, etc.) are not allowed to use the facility.

What We Need to Know For Setting up Society Covid Care Centre:

“Most of the things needed to maintain a site in the field can be done digitally or with very little contact.


As per government guidelines, community Covid care centers should have access to a doctor as well as 24/7 nursing care. remote digital consultation with specialists is the solution to this problem. There is a deluge of information out there, but it’s hard for citizens to make sense of it. You need the expertise of a qualified doctor. Having access to the right person at the right time can make a big difference.


The first to set up an in-situ facility for COVID patients acquired oxygen cylinders, an oximeter, and set up a few beds for basic care of patients until they could find their way to a hospital if need be.

  • Oxy-pulse meter – to regularly check the oxygen level in our body. It should not be less than 90.
  • Thermometer – to regularly check the temperature of the body.
  • Steamer – for regular inhalation of steam as it helps in respiration and against cold and cough.
  • Sanitizer – for regular sanitizing our hands after touching something contagious.
  • Mask – to cover your nose and mouth in home
  • Medicines – As prescribed by doctor
  • Oxygen – For critically-ill patients, access to oxygen supply can mean the difference between life and death in the interim period before they find a hospital bed.


However, there are many types of tests, and you should know which one is correct. Doctors recommend using the RT-PCR test as the gold standard because it is accurate and can detect COVID early.

Which Type of Clinical Care Should Be There?

  • Triaging: Tie up with a medical team or a doctor residing in the premises for triaging and clinical support.
  • Nursing: Nurses should monitor symptoms, and record temperature and SpO2 levels thrice a day; should have tele-consultation with the doctor for any instructions.
  • Hospitals: Tie up with a private hospital or DCHC (Dedicated COVID Healthcare Centre) for referring a patient if needed.
  • Medical equipment’s, sanitization: Ensure supply of PPE kits, N-95 masks, surgical masks, gloves, hand sanitisers, thermal scanners, pulse oximeters, glucometer, BP apparatus, stethoscope, medicines like hydroxychloroquine, vitamin-C, zinc, etc.
  • Ambulance: Private or government ambulance service (108 helpline) should be obtained for emergencies.
  • Data Entry: Maintain patient charts and records, verified by the doctor.

Additional Amenities:

  • 24/7 support staff: Designated support staff for food provision/supervision of patients in a 1:12 ratio
  • Security: Designated security personnel and CCTV cameras
  • Disinfection: Facility for disinfection, and sterilization of patients’ used linen and utensils
  • Internet: Necessary to transfer patients’ data to government authorities
  • Waste: Waste generated in the CCC to be treated as biomedical waste and sent to the designated biomedical waste processing Centre.


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